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  • Government Health Care Agencies and Affiliates

AdminaStar Federal 

AdminaStar Federal, Inc.’s most significant area of business is the administration of government contracts for Medicare, under the authority of HCFA (Health Care Financing Administration). AdminaStar Federal, Inc.’s mission is to enhance beneficiaries’ lives by superior management of government contracts.

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research provides practical health care information, research findings, and data to help consumers, health providers, health insurers, researchers, and policymakers make informed decisions about health care issues.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Information and Resources on a wide array of health topics and disease prevention.  An agency of the Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Health and Human Services
The mission of HHS is to protect health and give a special helping hand to those who need assistance. HHS provides support and protection to older Americans, and to the Nation's infants and children. The Department also provides aid to people with disabilities, as well as assistance and new opportunity for those in need.

Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) 
The federal agency that administers the Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Programs.

Medicaid Information Site (http://www.hcfa.gov/medicaid/medicaid.htm)
Medicaid is a jointly-funded, Federal-State health insurance program for certain low-income and needy people. It covers approximately 36 million individuals including children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled, and people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments.


The nation's largest health insurance program, which covers 37 million Americans. Medicare provides health insurance to people age 65 and over and those who have permanent kidney failure and certain people with disabilities.

MDCH - Michigan Department of Community Health  (http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/)
The department, the largest in state government, is responsible for health policy and management of the state's publicly-funded health service systems. An estimated 1.5 million Michigan residents will receive services this year that are provided with total or partial support from MDCH.

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  • Health Associations

Administration on Aging

AIDS Action

American Diabetes Association

American Medical Association

American Society of Health System Pharmacists

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology 

International Ostomy Association 

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (http://www.jcaho.org)

Michigan Pharmacists Association

National Community Pharmacists Association

National Home Infusion Association

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

United Ostomy Association

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  • Insurance Companies

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan 

  • Health Care Information/Resources

Administration on Aging Resource Directory

Links to a wealth of health care resources including national associations and foundations. 


The latest government health news health media online special events calendars prevention and self-care choosing quality care online health information.

Last Acts

 A call-to-action campaign designed to improve care at the end of life. Our goals are to bring end-of-life issues out in the open and to help individuals and organizations pursue the search for better ways to care for the dying.

MAYO Clinic Health Oasis 

Mayo Clinic experts provide current medical information and news on health topics. Learn about treatment options and prevention methods - pharmaceutical and surgical as well as dietary and behavioral.


MEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine's database of references to more than 9 million articles published in 3900 biomedical journals.


The National Library of Medicine's MEDLINEplus information pages are designed to direct you to resources containing information that will help you research your health questions.

U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the campus of NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest medical library.


Health Care information, news and on-line chat events.

Wound Care Communications Network

Resources for wound care professionals.

Wound Care Information Network

Detailed information on wound care.

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  • Publications

American Journal of Health System Pharmacists

Annals of Internal Medicine

DMERC Publications and Forms

The Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of American Pharmaceutical Association

JPEN - Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

The New England Journal of Medicine

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